Month: dicembre 2017


Catherine Spaak (Boulogne-Billancourt, 3 aprile 1945) è un’attrice, cantante, ballerina e conduttrice televisiva belga naturalizzata italiana. È stata una diva cinematografica degli anni sessanta-settanta in Italia e in Francia.

Catherine Spaak proviene da una famiglia belga che annovera fra i suoi membri anche artisti e uomini politici: la madre è l’attrice Claudie Clèves, il padre Charles è uno sceneggiatore cinematografico, la sorella Agnès è stata anch’essa attrice e poi fotografa, mentre lo zio Paul-Henri ha ricoperto per più mandati la carica di primo ministro del Belgio. Dopo aver recitato una piccola parte a soli 14 anni nel film Il buco di Jacques Becker, debutta in Italia nel 1960 con Dolci inganni di Alberto Lattuada che condizionerà i suoi ruoli successivi, incentrati sullo stereotipo di un’adolescente spregiudicata. Lo stesso personaggio, con opportune variazioni, si ritrova in molte pellicole che interpreta nella prima metà degli anni ’60, come Diciottenni al sole, Il sorpasso, La noia, La calda vita, La Parmigiana, La bugiarda e La voglia matta, sul cui set conosce Fabrizio Capucci, che sposerà nel 1963 e dalla cui unione, di breve durata, nasce Sabrina, attrice di teatro.


Catherine Spaak, née le 3 avril 1945 à Boulogne-Billancourt (France), est une actrice et chanteuse française, naturalisée italienne. Elle a fait presque toute sa carrière en Italie. La comédie à l’italienne lui permit d’imposer à l’écran, aux côtés des « monstres » satiriques Vittorio Gassman, Ugo Tognazzi ou Nino Manfredi, un personnage d’adolescente moderne et délurée qui marqua l’imaginaire de son époque. Certains de ses films — Les Adolescentes, La calda vita — eurent maille à partir avec la censure démocrate-chrétienne. Elle est la fille du scénariste Charles Spaak et de l’actrice Claudie Perrier, la sœur de la comédienne Agnès Spaak et la nièce du Premier ministre belge Paul-Henri Spaak. Elle fut mariée aux acteurs Fabrizio Capucci (1963-1971) et Johnny Dorelli (1972-1979). En 2007 elle participe à l’émission Ballando con le stelle. Elle sera éliminée lors de la 3e semaine. Au cours de cette saison, Naomi Campbell ou encore Ronn Moss sont venus danser en tant qu’invités. en 2015 elle participe à l’émission de télé-réalité italienne L’isola dei famosi 10. Elle est notamment avec Rocco Siffredi. Au bout d’une journée elle abandonne l’aventure. Un disque du groupe rock The Love Potions paru en 1999 s’intitule Voice of Catherine Spaak.

Catherine Spaak (born 3 April 1945) is a French-Italian actress and singer. Catherine Spaak was born at Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine (Ile-de-France). Spaak spent most of her career in Italy, where she became a teenage star. From age 15 to 18, Spaak was the lead actress in at least 12 movies. As a singer, she was regarded by some as the Italian equivalent of French chanteuse Françoise Hardy, some of whose songs she recorded in 1963. Born into a firmly anticlerical family, at the age of 18 she decided to embrace Catholicism (now she considers herself a Buddhist)



#SammyDavis jr

– Sammy Davis Jr. (Harlem, 8 dicembre 1925 – Beverly Hills, 16 maggio 1990) è stato un ballerino, cantante, vibrafonista, batterista, attore e comico statunitense.

Sammy Davis Jr. era figlio di due ballerini di Vaudeville, Sammy Davis Sr. e Elvera Sanchez. Il lavoro nel mondo dello spettacolo li teneva lontani da casa per lunghi periodi, così fu la nonna materna ad occuparsi di lui nei suoi primi anni di vita. Quando Sammy Davis Jr. aveva tre anni, i genitori si separarono. Suo padre, che non voleva perdere la custodia del figlio, lo portò in tournée con sé.


– Samuel George Davis Jr. (December 8, 1925 – May 16, 1990) was an American singer, dancer, actor and comedian. He was noted for his impressions of actors, musicians and other celebrities. At the age of three, Davis began his career in vaudeville with his father and Will Mastin as the Will Mastin Trio, which toured nationally. After military service, Davis returned to the trio. Davis became an overnight sensation following a nightclub performance at Ciro’s (in West Hollywood) after the 1951 Academy Awards. With the trio, he became a recording artist. In 1954, he lost his left eye in a car accident, and several years later, he converted to Judaism.[1]

Davis’s film career began as a child in 1933. In 1960, he appeared in the Rat Pack film Ocean’s 11. After a starring role on Broadway in Mr Wonderful (1956), he returned to the stage in 1964’s Golden Boy. In 1966 he had his own TV variety show, titled The Sammy Davis Jr. Show. Davis’s career slowed in the late 1960s, but he had a hit record with “The Candy Man” in 1972 and became a star in Las Vegas, earning him the nickname “Mister Show Business”.[2][3]

Davis was a victim of racism throughout his life, particularly during the pre-Civil Rights era, and was a large financial supporter of the Civil Rights Movement. Davis had a complex relationship with the black community, and drew criticism after publicly supporting President Richard Nixon in 1972 (although he later returned to being a Democrat). One day on a golf course with Jack Benny, he was asked what his handicap was. “Handicap?” he asked. “Talk about handicap. I’m a one-eyed Negro Jew.”[4][5] This was to become a signature comment, recounted in his autobiography, and in countless articles.[6]

After reuniting with Sinatra and Dean Martin in 1987, Davis toured with them and Liza Minnelli internationally, before he died of throat cancer in 1990. He died in debt to the Internal Revenue Service,[7] and his estate was the subject of legal battles.[8] Davis was awarded the Spingarn Medal by the NAACP and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award and an Emmy Award for his television performances. He was the recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors in 1987, and in 2001, he was posthumously awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.






Brigitte Anne Marie Bardot, anche conosciuta come B.B. (“Bri-Bri” da bambina) (Parigi, 28 settembre 1934), è un’attrice, ex modella, cantante, ballerina e attivista francese.

Dopo gli esordi come danzatrice classica, diviene prima modella, posando per svariate copertine di riviste di moda, quindi attrice e infine, dal 1962, cantante. Negli anni del successo si consacrò come un’icona sexy. Dal 1962, inoltre, è un’attivista per i diritti degli animali, attività che l’ha assorbita completamente a partire dal suo abbandono del cinema avvenuto nel 1973.


Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (French: [bʁiʒit baʁˈdo]; born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, singer, dancer and fashion model, who later became an animal rights activist. She was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s and was widely referred to by her initials, B.B.[

Bardot was an aspiring ballerina in her early life. She started her acting career in 1952. After appearing in 16 routine comedy films that had limited international release, she became world-famous in 1957 after starring in the controversial film And God Created Woman. Bardot caught the attention of French intellectuals. She was the subject of Simone de Beauvoir’s 1959 essay, The Lolita Syndrome, which described Bardot as a “locomotive of women’s history” and built upon existentialist themes to declare her the first and most liberated woman of post-war France. She later starred in Jean-Luc Godard’s 1963 film Le Mépris. For her role in Louis Malle’s 1965 film Viva Maria! Bardot was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actress. From 1969 to 1978, Bardot was the official face of Marianne (who had previously been anonymous) to represent the liberty of France.

Bardot retired from the entertainment industry in 1973. During her career in show business, she starred in 47 films, performed in several musical shows and recorded over 60 songs. She was awarded the Legion of Honour in 1985 but refused to accept it.After her retirement, she established herself as an animal rights activist. During the 2000s, she generated controversy by criticizing immigration and Islam in France and has been fined five times for inciting racial hatred.


Brigitte Bardot (connue sous les initiales de « BB »), née le à Paris, est une actrice de cinéma, mannequin, chanteuse et militante de la cause animale française.

Figure féminine des années 1950 et 1960, elle est une star mondiale, l’égérie et la muse de grands artistes de l’époque. Emblème de l’émancipation des femmes et de la liberté sexuelle, elle passe des rôles de femme-enfant à ceux de femme fatale.

Elle tourne avec les plus grands réalisateurs, incarnant des personnages à l’élégante légèreté et à la sensualité photogénique. Elle devient rapidement un sex-symbol et acquiert une renommée internationale. Avec à son actif 45 films et plus de 70 chansons en près de 21 ans de carrière, Brigitte Bardot est une des artistes françaises les plus célèbres au monde.

En 1973, elle met un terme à sa carrière d’actrice et se consacre dès lors à la défense des animaux, notamment en présidant la fondation Brigitte-Bardot. À partir des années 1990, plusieurs de ses déclarations suscitent la controverse, en particulier lorsqu’elle critique les égorgements pratiqués par les musulmans et la montée de l’islam en France.




Nicola Arigliano (Squinzano, 6 dicembre 1923 – Calimera, 30 marzo 2010) è stato un cantante e attore italiano.

Noto al grande pubblico come interprete di successo nel panorama della musica leggera italiana, ha riscosso nella sua lunga carriera lusinghieri apprezzamenti anche come cantante di jazz.


#FrançoisTruffaut #RobertoRossellini

François Roland Truffaut (Parigi, 6 febbraio 1932 – Neuilly-sur-Seine, 21 ottobre 1984) è stato un regista, sceneggiatore, produttore cinematografico, attore e critico cinematografico francese. Importante protagonista del cinema francese tra gli anni sessanta e settanta, assieme agli amici e colleghi Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, Éric Rohmer e Jacques Rivette diede vita a una nuova corrente cinematografica denominata nouvelle vague, letteralmente “nuova ondata”, che traeva ispirazione dalla passata stagione del Neorealismo italiano e che influenzerà successivamente numerosi registi americani della New Hollywood.

Roberto Gastone Zeffiro Rossellini (Roma, 8 maggio 1906 – Roma, 3 giugno 1977) è stato un regista, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico italiano.È stato uno dei più importanti registi della storia del cinema italiano, che ha contribuito a rendere noto al mondo con pellicole quali Roma città aperta (1945), Paisà (1946), Germania anno zero (1948) e Il generale Della Rovere (1959).


cannes maggio 1959